Consumer Healthcare Products Association
To My Teen Campaign
How do you take a health-awareness campaign and make it digitally engaging? This was the challenge we took on for the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), in partnership with SOMA Strategies.
October is National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month and the CHPA wanted to reach parents with valuable information on the realities of teens abusing cough medicines to get high. Instead of scaring parents, however, we launched a positive national dialogue called #ToMyTeen.
The site includes a user-generated wall designed to give parents a platform to dispel clichés about raising teens by answering four questions. Users can submit pictures, tweet key facts and figures about teens and cough medicine abuse and learn more about the CHPA.
To generate awareness around the #ToMyTeen site, we built an integrated digital campaign including shareable images for social channels, promotional ads on Facebook and Twitter, a partnership with 10 leading national parenting bloggers and a national twitter party.