Eight days ago our city faced one of the most difficult moments in its history. A mass shooting occurred at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill that left eleven people dead and several others injured on the morning of October 27th. Only 1.4 miles from Actual Size, this tragedy left us in shock; outraged and scared. This is our city. This is our home. These are our friends. This is our community.
Four days after this tragic event, New York Magazine released an article titled “12 Young People on Why They Probably Won’t Vote.”
We shared the article around the office which sparked a larger discussion about our civil discourse. The article mentioned one young man, Tim 27 years old from Austin, Texas who said he has never voted. Tim went on to discuss his reason for not participating which seemed to be summed up by the following…
We couldn’t help but think that in such a critical time for Pittsburgh and our country why are there people that are still not prioritizing community engagement and not turning out to vote? Why aren’t Americans and more specifically young Americans participating in a right that so many other countries find so precious.
The frustration of hearing that people had a hectic schedule and/or did not have the time and energy was no longer acceptable. It made us reflect on how we can motivate those around us to become more engaged.

Get your hand out of the cookie jar.
In light of this larger discussion, I stumbled upon a video the other day that had 3 million views: The content? Khloe Kardashian organizing a cookie jar for her kitchen counter. 3 Million Views. How can this type of content have 3 Million Views?
In Khloe Kardashian’s defense this video had no intention of disrupting civil discourse, but the reality is that we have people paying attention to content like this but these similar demographics are not finding the time to vote.
Here is our take.
Dylan then brought up the fact that there are people that spend 15-20 minutes a day brewing an artisanal pour over coffee, but there are people that cannot seem to find 15-20 minutes to get out to the polls.
Here is our take.
Eff'ing gourd season is no excuse.
Mary and Bob then remembered the satirical article from McSweeney’s about decorative gourd season being shared across social media. The article poked fun at people spending countless hours decorating their home for the fall season. And it’s true, people are researching the perfect autumnal arrangement but aren’t making time to research candidates for public office.
Here is our take.
Overall we found that a large group of the population is making time to engage in other things that really are not important, but they are not making time to vote. So in the most simple and eloquent way possible, our message to you is clear: Make Time To Vote!
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