Multiple choice tests have always been the most popular.
Why? Mostly because you can always answer “C” and you have an answer that will make you feel OK about yourself.
Teachers have said that they often don’t want the answer to be “A” because they want students to read and consider all of the answers. There is also often direct polarity in the available answers, this also helps give you a clue. As in… answer “C” is the direct opposite of answer “A.” These strategies are all part of the game.
The act of taking multiple choice questions has always been one part knowledge and one part slot machine pull.
Filling in the blank is another story.
You’ve got to dig deep. But not too deep…
The latest campaign we have become involved in is “ToMyTeen” where we ask parents of teenage kids to describe their relationship by filling in the blank. October is National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month and we’re looking for perspectives from parents to let everyone know that sometimes teens get a bad rap. The campaign was developed in conjunction with SOMA Strategies on behalf of the Consumer Healthcare Products Association.
The questions are structured with a “MadLibs” style fill in the blank construction. For example, “My teen is _______” and “My Teen isn’t _____.” The fill in the blank concept is combined with the another popular sport, taking a selfie.
Is this earth shattering? No not really.
But the act of filling in the blank makes giving an honest answer seem easier. When faced with an empty canvas, sometimes the user doesn’t know where to begin. This article : “Mad Libs” Style Form Increased Conversion by 25-40%” proves that changing the way we ask for answers has a lot to do with if and how people will answer the question.
Facing a multiple choice question takes us back to the days of answering elementary school quiz questions. It turns the experience into a game and giving honest answers are less of a concern. Leaving open ended form fields, essay-style harken back to the anxiety we felt staring at the empty pages of the blue books used in high school and college exams.
Filling in the blank is the perfect in-between. It pushes users to think, but it also has a sense of novelty. The fact that the audience only has to think of a few words, transforms it into something we can all achieve.
Check out our case study on the project
or take a look at the folks who have shared a message about their teenager.
Better yet, fill in your own blank.
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